stuck feeling

on 10/31/10 2:05 pm - Windsor, CO
ok im 1 month post op and at first i could eat more stuff and recently everytime i eat something i get this stuck feeling in my chest and the only way to relieve it is to throw not much of a pop drinker but tonight i bought  a soda and it seems to relieve that heavy feeling in my helps to burp...i had gastric bypass
on 11/19/10 6:26 am - San Jose, CA
1 month post op and you should really avoid all things carbonated.  Your pouch is still veeeeeeeeeery tender and that's why many surgeons and nutritionists suggest only going to solid foods about 4-6 weeks post op.  How much are you eating?  RNY pouches typically can only handle up to 3 oz of solid food this early on.  So since we have malabsorption, those 3oz of food should really just be protein this early on.  Sodas can be really bad for you at this stage.  They can perforate the sutures and the gas and carbonation in the soda expands the pouch and stoma (opened to the pouch) which can cause pain, a feeling of being gassy, and can allow you to unnaturally eat more food than your brand new pouch can take.

Many RNY patients experience burping when they are full.  Remember it takes the brain 20 minutes to realize that you are actually full.  So its best to eat slowly and rest after you've eaten a good 3 oz of food.  Give your stomach the 20 minutes to tell your brain that its full.  If after 20 minutes you still feel hungry (really physically hungry not mentally) then have a little more protein.

Hope that helps.
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